Sparrows, Juncos, and Longspurs

Le Conte's Sparrow

Rufous-crowned Sparrow - Madera Canyon, Arizona - May, 2019

Bachman's Sparrow - Three Lakes WMA, Florida - May, 2018

Rufous-winged Sparrow - Portal, Arizona - May, 2019

American Tree Sparrow - St. Joe County, Michigan - January, 2024

Chipping Sparrow (breeding adult) - Michigan and Indiana - May and April

Chipping Sparrow (nonbreeding adult) - St. Joe County, Michigan - October, 2023

Chipping Sparrow (juvenile) - White Fish Point, Michigan - October, 2005

Clay-colored Sparrow (adult) - Newton County, IN - June, 20024 and White Fish Point, MI - October, 2005

Brewer's Sparrow (adult) - Animas Creek, New Mexico - January, 2017 and Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming - June, 2012

Field Sparrow - St. Joe County, Michigan - May, 2024 and Elkhart County, Indiana - April, 2002

Vesper Sparrow - Boot Lake Nature Preserve, Elkhart, IN - May, 2015 and April, 2002 and Swauk Prairie, WA - June, 2018

Lark Sparrow - St. Joe County, Michigan and Idyllwild, California

Black-throated Sparrow (adult) - Portal, AZ - May, 2019 and Mojave Desert, CA - June, 2006

Black-throated Sparrow (juvenile) - Portal, Arizona - May, 2019

Bell's Sparrow - Jawbone Canyon, California - April, 2011 and Carmel Valley, California - August, 2018

Lark Bunting (breeding male) - Yellowstone National Park, WY - June, 2012 and Pawnee Grasslands, CO - July, 2021

Lark Bunting (female) Pawnee National Grasslands, Colorado - July, 2021

Le Conte's Sparrow (adult) - State Line Flats, Lake County, IN - October, 2017 and McCool Basin, Porter County, IN - October, 2012

Le Conte's Sparrow (1st cycle) - McCool Basin - October, 2012 and West Beach - April, 2007 - Porter County, Indiana

Savannah Sparrow (eastern form) - St. Joe County, MI - May, 2022, Lake County, IN - September, 2015 and Elkhart County, IN - May, 2012

Savannah Sparrow (western form) - Glacier National Park, Montana - June, 2014 and Santa Barbara, CA - April, 2011

Baird's Sparrow - Lostwood NWR, North Dakota - June, 2002

Grasshopper Sparrow - Boot Lake Nature Preserve, Elkhart, IN - June, 2002 and Edinburg Scenic Wetlands, TX - April, 2013

Henslow's Sparrow - Boot Lake Nature Preserve, Elkhart, Indiana - April, 2004 and May, 2012

Nelson's Sparrow - State Line Flats, Lake County, Indiana - October, 2017

Saltmarsh Sparrow - Brigantine NWR, New Jersey - October, 2003

Seaside Sparrow - Outer Banks, North Carolina - May, 2017

Fox Sparrow ("Red" Eastern form) - Indiana Dunes - October, 2011 and February, 2007

Fox Sparrow ("Sooty" Pacific form) - Bodega Bay, California - April, 2012

Fox Sparrow ("Large-billed" California form) - McGill Campground, Mt. Pinos, California - April, 2011

Song Sparrow - Bear River NWR, UT, Elkhart, IN, and St. Joe County, MI

Lincoln's Sparrow - Alaska, Indiana, Michigan, and New Mexico

Swamp Sparrow (adult) - St. Joe County, Michigan - May, 2012 and September, 2022

Swamp Sparrow (first fall) - St. Joe County, Michigan - September, 2023

White-throated Sparrow - St. Joe County, Michigan

Golden-crowned Sparrow (adult) - Inverness, CA - April, 2012 and Santa Barbara, CA - April, 2011

Golden-crowned Sparrow (1st year) - Point Reyes, California - April, 2012

White-crowned Sparrow (adult eastern Taiga form) - St. Joe County, MI, Whitefish Point, MI, and Northern Indiana

White-crowned Sparrow (1st year eastern form) - Lake County, IN - October, 2016, Porter County, IN - October, 2010 and Whitefish Point, MI - October, 2015

White-crowned Sparrow (adult interior west form) - Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming - June, 2012

White-crowned Sparrow (adult Pacific form) - Alaska and California

Harris's Sparrow (1st winter) - Whitefish Point, Michigan - October, 2023

Dark-eyed Junco (male slate-colored form) - St. Joe County, Michigan - January, 2022

Dark-eyed Junco (female slate-colored form) - St. Joe County, Michigan - February, 2022

Dark-eyed Junco (gray-headed form) - Georgetown, Colorado - April, 2009

Dark-eyed Junco (pink-sided form) - Animas Creek, New Mexico - January, 2017

Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon form) - Inverness, California - April, 2012

Yellow-eyed Junco - Mt. Lemmon, Arizona - May, 2019

McCown's Longspur - Pawnee National Grasslands, Colorado - June, 1991

Lapland Longspur (breeding) - Gambell, St. Lawrence Island - June, 2016

Lapland Longspur (nonbreeding) - St. Joe County and Whitefish Point, Michigan

Smith's Longspur - Kankakee Sands, Newton County, Indiana - April, 2013

Snow Bunting (breeding) - Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska - June, 2016

Snow Bunting (nonbreeding) - Michigan and Indiana

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